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Welcome To The Grove

Sun on Water

Welcome to the grove where the juiciest fruit of the Mememojiverse grow. TANG is at the heart of this grove, representing fresh, ripe opportunities on Unicorn.

Browse through the grove, learn more about our origins, and see how you can join the uWu-TANG. Enjoy the GIFs on the sides to bring some flavor to your experience!

Facts about TANG

  • - 420k supply
  • - First Emoji airdrop by Unicorn (wow)
  • - Oranges come pre-sliced and you don't believe in GOD?
  • - Unicorn Orange Juice may cause symptoms including glowing body, orange skin, horns coming out your forehead, and other things you don't need to worry about ^_^
Unicorn Award

How to Trade TANG

Check out the Memoji Market to get your hands on TANG.

You can also explore Uwu.pro for trading and checking the chart.

Want to learn more about the Unicorn blockchain? Read this article to get started.

Palm Tree Right fruits.gif fairy.gif Crash Dance emoji.gif